Joint actions for environmental protection in Black Sea Basin – BeECO
Black Sea Basin Operational Program 2014-2020
through the ENI European Neighborhood Instrument
Short description
The main objective of the project is promoting environmental protection in the Black Sea Basin through common education, awareness and river clean-up campaigns to reduce river and marine litter. This project idea is of high need and importance as it will contribute to a better environmental protection of the Black Sea. The innovative tools and activities developed and implemented during the action shall be used within and after the project in order to assure a better control of the pollution agents, a higher level of awareness among citizens and easier and sustainable environmental policies. Moreover, the BeECO IT app developped within the project will offer essential support for future research activities as well as reports on key pollution factors for key decision factors in environmental policies.
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Concerning the implementation of the project, 3 main activities have been developed.
Jointly awareness and education campaigns. This activity aims to improve the quality of life, to help young people gain the knowledge, skills, motivations and values they need to promote environmental protection and take responsibility for maintaining environmental quality.
GA T2 aims to encourage the involvement of, and partnerships between, NGOs and local/regional authorities to combat river litter by developing common measures and working tools to streamline environmental protection methods.Therefore, the activity provides the establishment of local patrols that will make trips to identify waste areas. These patrols will be used by electric or hybrid vehicles equipped to allow real-time use of the application. This application will allow the patrol to transmit information about the affected area, the nature of the waste and its quantity. The application will also allow you to upload photos with the identified area.
Capacity building on environmental protection in the Black Sea Basin. The activity proposes a direct approach to developing skills and improving the quality of activities for interest groups including NGOs, local public authority, general public and youth from education/training centre in the fields of environmental protection (3R, Environmental ranger and Environmental entrepreneurship). In order to strengthen the capacity of the entities active in the field of environmental protection, in the Black Sea Basin and to develop new capacities in these fields, under GA T3 will be organized training sessions for NGOs,local public authority, education/training centres, schools and universitaries in fields related to the environmental protection.
The project aims at achieving the following results
25 Educational Sessions
Jointly raise public awareness and education regarding river litter problems by organizing 8 information seminars, 25 educational sessions in schools and universities.
4 Round Table Events
Promote good environmental management practices and technologies for reduction of illegal dumping and landfill sites on riverbanks by organizing 4 Round Table Events in Galati, Cahul, Kutaisi and Yerevan.
5 Capacity Building Sessions
Jointly promote the practice of the ‘3 Rs’ (reduce, reuse, recycle) for waste by organizing 5 capacity building sessions.
4 Common Activities
Jointly cross-border Black Sea Basin river clean-up campaigns by organizing 4 common river clean-up activities in Galati, Cahul, Kutaisi and Yerevan.
4 Local Patrols
Encourage the involvement of, and partnerships between, NGOs and local/regional authorities and waste services to combat river litter by creating 4 Local patrols by developing a BeECO IT application.